

I have started my research career in Centre for Biomedical Technology at the Technical University of Madrid from September 2018 as a research assistant. During the duration of this project, I have learned several skills which were quite useful for my career.


  • Gamification
  • Health Informatics
  • Biomedical Informatics
  • Computer Science

Centre for Biomedical Technology (CTB)

The Centre for Biomedical Technology is a research and technology centre of the Technical University of Madrid that brings together researchers from different disciplines on biomedical technologies, in collaboration with other external institutions, in order to:

  • Address major challenges that scientists are facing today in Biomedicine and Health and whose success requires a stable and interdisciplinary collaboration, including both basic and translational research.
  • Facilitate the development of biomedical technology to be handed over to the industry.
  • Create an environment conducive to the training of new researchers and professionals in this field.

Laboratory Personel

Parth Chholak

Parth Chholak

Ph.D. fellow


Great lab Personnel!

Research Projects

  • Gamification parameters in Seniors

    Gamification is ‘’the use of game mechanics and experience design to digitally engage and motivate people to achieve their goals”.

    As I have started my internship in CTB and working on the analysis of the context of use and gamification study for motivating healthy physical habits in elderly people and finally prepare a systematic review and mapping.



    I found out during the last decennium, games have conceivably become the largest form of leisure information systems (IS). Nowadays, games are also more and more being employed for a variety of instrumental purposes.

    Although games have accumulated a large amount of research attention during the last decade, the research paper is scattered and there is still a lack of a clear and reliable understanding of how games are being able to address motivate people especially elderly.

    The terms of gamification and gamified systems are a trending area of research. Though gamification can indicate several different things, such as applying the game-like elements into the design of the user interface of the software, but not all gamification is significantly associated with software products.
    Overall, it is unclear what different aspects are studied under the umbrella of ‘gamification’, and what is the current state of the art in the gamification research.






    The most obvious direction for future research in this area is to expand the scope of the study into a fully realized longitudinal project.